A Major Problem (and the potential fix)

The Problem

So right off the bat, I already have an issue making this game.

You see, in order to make the game itself, I need to be able to use Game Maker Studio. However, there is a problem in using Game Maker Studio. I can't use Game Maker Studio.

The main issue is that while I DO have a computer, it's old and cannot connect to the Internet properly nowadays. So right now, i'm stuck with just MS Paint and the built in games. Until I can upgrade my computer to properly use internet, I can't start developing the game. 

The Fix

If I manage to do well enough in school, I MIGHT be able to get my Dad to purchase something to upgrade my PC to Windows 7, because I know for a FACT my PC can connect to WIFI on Windows 7, it's just stuck on XP. If it gets upgraded, I can get Game Maker Studio and work on the game. 

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